We all know the law of attraction – what you give to the world, it comes back to you. But sometimes, giving it your all may be incredibly challenging, especially on those days when it feels like the whole weight of your world falls on your shoulders. Being under constant stress in toxic environments may result in personal dissatisfaction, which in turn affects all aspects of your life, including your relationships, career, and so forth. With that in mind, it’s time to break the cycle and take a stand for yourself. The only way to do that is through self-love.

Unsurprisingly, there are millions of ways to love yourself, but for now, we will stick to mindfulness practices. You see, by turning your attention inward and embracing all your flaws, you’ll achieve self-love, which will then be shared with the rest of the world, thus improving your overall quality of life. With that, you understand the cycle you need to strive for – it all starts with loving yourself. 

However, achieving self-love through mindfulness may seem a bit demanding, especially if you don’t know where to start. Luckily, you have us to help! In this blog, you’ll find our foolproof tips on how to love yourself. 

But before we begin, you have to keep one thing in mind – self-love isn’t selfish. When you genuinely love and believe in yourself, you’re more likely to step out of your shell and paint the world in your unique colors, ultimately achieving personal growth.

  1. Always Practice Kindness

We’ve established by now self-love and relationships go hand-in-hand. However, if you wake up every morning dissatisfied with yourself, your relationships will most likely not benefit you, i.e., you’ll stunt your personal growth. So, it’s best to “tweak” the way you think.

Instead of thinking dreadful thoughts, focus on what you love about yourself. Maybe it’s your witty sense of humor or your crooked but charming smile. Take a good look at yourself and embrace everything that makes you unique. There’s no point in living by someone else’s rules or the way society tells you to do. The first step of self-love is being kind to yourself, even when it feels impossible to do so. Although this takes quite a long time to master, you’ll be impressed by how the world works once you shower it with love. And trust us – everyone will notice!

  1. Meditate

Meditation is an exceptional way to learn how to love yourself. The modern world we live in today can get rather stressful, which in turn can cloud your judgment. As a result, this haziness can change your self-perception, resulting in dissatisfaction. That said, meditation acts as a gust of wind that blows these clouds away, making you feel great about yourself.

To achieve self-love, dedicate a few minutes in your day to meditate. Since this mindfulness practice can be challenging in the beginning, you should start with guided meditations and manifestations. Over time, you’ll learn how to do it yourself, ultimately “reprogramming” your mind to a state of self-love and appreciation.

  1. Surround Yourself With Positive People

One of the best ways to love yourself is to be surrounded by positive people who share similar views and goals and want nothing but the best for you. We all know how negativity can affect us, and if you’re experiencing it regularly, it’s no wonder why you may be feeling so down about yourself.

With that in mind, take a good look at the people around you – both in and out. Determine whether you share the same ideas, and if you’re on the same wavelength, you can start building healthy and loving relationships. Alternatively, let go of the people who constantly keep bringing you down – that kind of toxicity is the last thing you need!

  1. Stay True To Yourself In Relationships

The reason why you may have had unsuccessful relationships in the past is that you give too much of yourself away. Yes, relationships are based on compromise, but that doesn’t mean you have to change yourself for the person you “love completely”. In fact, that isn’t love at all – it’s control.

With that, when you step into a new relationship, remember this tip on how to love yourself – stay true to what you believe in. Establish healthy boundaries, communicate your needs, and don’t let a soul in the world dim your shine. You’re one-of-a-kind, and that’s your true beauty!

  1. Go Off The Grid

Another way you can achieve self-love is to retreat for a while. By constantly being exposed to the digital world and the demands it brings, you’ll probably find new things you don’t like about yourself, which, in reality, don’t really exist.

So, if you feel like your online presence seems burdensome, go off the grid. Deactivate your social profiles, and do the things that make you happy. For instance, you can go on a solo trip, prepare a candle-lit dinner for one, or simply prepare a bath and lose yourself in your favorite book or TV show. As previously mentioned, there are countless ways to love yourself, so focus on what makes you truly happy.

  1. Have Fun!

Our last tip on how to love yourself will probably excite you the most! 

Since you landed here, it’s most likely you’re done with people’s expectations of you, whether it’s about work, relationships, or anything in between. So, forget about what people want from you, and let loose! Gather your besties, organize a fun night out at a bar or a club, and dance the night away. Who knows – maybe you’ll find the perfect one for you!

These are just a few ways regarding how to achieve and embrace self-love. Again, you can alter these tips the way you see fit, but remember not to be so hard on yourself. Simply focus on what makes you unique and special, embrace all your imperfections, and start living your life as you want. The only way to start loving others is by loving yourself first, and that’s not selfish at all!