opening hours : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm MONDAY - WEDNESDay
(Closed on Thursdays for roasting)
9:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday - Saturday
3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday
Location : In the Acanta Mall 962 Pale San Vitores Rd, Suite A102 Tumon, 96911, Guam

Our Shop


$15.00 or subscribe and save up to 20%

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Journey to the birthplace of coffee with our exquisite Ethiopia Yirgacheffe. Grown in the famed Yirgacheffe region, this coffee offers a delicate yet vibrant cup, bursting with floral aromas, bright citrus notes, and a hint of sweet berries. Its light body and clean finish make for a refreshing, complex brew that’s both lively and elegant. Available in whole beans for the freshest experience, Keurig cups for convenience, or our pour-over UFOs for a refined brew anywhere, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe is a must-try for those who appreciate the finest in specialty coffee.


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